Approvals - Setup Approval Step by Approver Hierarchy


This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough for managing approvals by using the native NetSuite approver hierarchy on the employee record through the Netgain Approvals module of NetSuite. 

Approver Hierarchy uses the standard employee record Purchase Approver field. If blank, it will attempt to use the Supervisor field as the next approver and check the standard employee Purchase Approval Limit field for the amount that can be approved up to. If the supervisor's approval limit is sufficient, it will not continue through any additional steps. If the supervisor's approval limit is not sufficient, it continues to the supervisor's supervisor and repeats the same check until a supervisor with a sufficient approval limit is identified, at which point it will stop. Essentially, the approval hierarchy allows for the use of the information already in NetSuite to build out an approval process instead of creating individual steps. 

PrerequisitesHave purchased and installed the Netgain Approvals bundle and have NetSuite admin access.

Step by Step Process 

  1. In the top right corner, navigate to ... > Approvals > Configs > Approval Processes and select Approval Processes.
  2. Select View for the corresponding approval process.

    Note - If creating a new approval process, follow the steps here
  3. Select New Approval Process Line to create a new approval step or select Edit next to the approval process line.
  4. Under Process Line Information, select Name and create a name for the approval step. The name of the approval line can be anything. This name will show up when you select Preview Approval Steps on the record the approval process is created for. It's useful to have a helpful description that describes the approval step or why it is there.
  5. Under Process Line Settings, select Sequence and enter a number. This can be any number, it does not need to be 1,2,3,4,5. Any number is okay as long as it is in numeric sequence.
  6. Select Approver Type then select Approver Hierarchy from the dropdown.
  7. Select Save.

Things to be Aware Of 

The Purchase Approver and Purchase Approval Limit can be found on the employee record under the Human Resources sub-tab in the Expense and Purchasing section as seen below:

Approval steps can also be customized to only approve inside NetSuite rather than via email.


If any difficulties or issues arise, please reach out to for resolution.

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