NetAsset - Reporting Overview

NetAsset Reporting

Overview & User Case:

NetAsset is bundled with an assortment of reports to support monthly reconciliations, financial reporting, disclosures, and asset administration.

Report List


 Accum. Depr. RevaluationsNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the accumulated depreciation revaluations for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set as a date range (completing the From and To fields).
Accum. Depr. AdditionsNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the accumulated depreciation additions (depreciation expense) for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set as a date range (completing the From and To fields).
Accum. Depr. Balances - Beg/EndNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the accumulated depreciation balances through the period selected across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set through the desired period (blank in the From field).
Accum. Depr. DisposalsNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the accumulated depreciation disposals for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set as a date range (completing the From and To fields).
Accum. Depr. Other AdjustmentsNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the details of all other accumulated depreciation transactions for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set as a date range (completing the From and To fields).
Accum. Depr. TransfersNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the accumulated depreciation transfers for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set as a date range (completing the From and To fields).
Accumulated Depreciation Ledger Balance DetailGeneral Ledger transaction search that provides the Accumulated Depreciation G/L balances through the selected period by asset. These balances should be compared against the NetAsset subledger at period-end to ensure all expected transactions and balances per the subledger have been properly reflected in the G/L.  Filter from "blank" through the current reporting period.
Asset Balance Roll Forward ReportNetgain scripted transaction report that provides a summary of asset balances and rolls forward activities for the selected period range and provides details of additions, disposals, and other activity. Expand asset types to drill down to underlying transaction detail.  Filter for the the desired activity range, which is typically a full reporting period.
Asset Depreciation Waterfall ReportNetgain scripted report that highlights the expected depreciation expense to be posted over time. This is expected to be used as a forward-looking report.
Asset Subledger Period End BalancesDetailed subledger to provide depreciation line details across all assets in the system across all periods
Asset RegisterFull listing of all assets with start of period and end of period balances as well as reporting period activity.
CIP Roll Forward ReportNetgain scripted transaction report that provides a summary of all Construction In Progress account activity. Expand to drill down to underlying transaction detail.  Filter for the the desired activity range, which is typically a full reporting period.
Complete Subledger DetailFull subledger including all depreciated booked and expected in the future
Depreciation Forecast ReportSubledger search that provides a summarized view of forecasted depreciation expense. The filter should be set with a starting single period date range (filling the "To" field).
End of Life Asset DetailIdentifies any assets that have completed their assigned useful life, but still have a remaining net book value (primarily due to residual values that were assigned to the asset at creation). The accounting team should review to ensure that remaining asset balances are appropriate.
Gross Asset AdditionsNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the gross asset additions for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set as a date range (completing the From and To fields).
Gross Asset Balances  Beginning/EndingNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the gross asset balances through the period selected across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set through the desired period (blank in the From field).
Gross Asset DisposalsNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the gross asset disposals for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set as a date range (completing the From and To fields).
Gross Asset Other AdjustmentsNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the details of all other gross asset transactions for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set as a date range (completing the From and To fields).
Gross Asset RevaluationsNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the gross asset revaluations for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set as a date range (completing the From and To fields).
Gross Asset TransfersNetSuite Transaction saved search that provides the gross asset transfers for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type. The filter should be set as a date range (completing the From and To fields).
Gross Ledger Balance DetailGeneral Ledger transaction search that provides the Asset G/L balances through the selected period by asset. These balances should be compared against the NetAsset subledger at period-end to ensure all expected transactions and balances per the subledger have been properly reflected in the G/L.  Filter from "blank" through the current reporting period.
NetAsset Duplicate Schedule LinesIdentifies potentially duplicated schedule lines.
NetAsset Script DeploymentsA listing of all the script deployments in NetAsset.
NetAsset Script LogsA listing of all script logs generated from NetAsset scripts.
NetAsset Scripted Job HistoryA listing of all the instances of NetAsset batch jobs that have been invoked and their status.
NetAsset ScriptsA listing of all scripts in NetAsset.
NetAsset System NotesA listing of all system notes generated from NetAsset custom records.
NetAsset Transfer Subledger Activity
A full listing of the transfer activity within the system.
Proposals Roll Forward ReportNetgain scripted transaction report that provides a summary of all Fixed Asset Clearing account activity. Expand to drill down to underlying transaction detail.  Filter for the the desired activity range, which is typically a full reporting period.
Subledger ActivityDetailed subledger to provide depreciation line details across all assets in the system across all periods.
Tagged G/L Transactions SummaryA summarized view of all NetSuite G/L impacts with NetAsset tags at the line level.
Untagged G/L TransactionsDetails of impacts to Fixed Asset and Accumulated Depreciation Accounts that have no line-level asset tag.

Favorite Reports

We have introduced into the product 'Favorite Reports'. You can check a box on any report record to make this a favorite and have it appear on your favorites list. Please keep in mind that this favorites list is the same for the company and not unique to each individual. 

You can mark a report favorite by editing the record and checking the Favorite box.

You can also edit your favorites by using the edit button on the report list as follows. (Make sure to unselect the edit button on this page as it makes it so the links on this page do not function.)

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