NetLease Data Upload (Migration and Bulk Upload)

Use Case

As part of the initial upload, it may be beneficial to upload lease details in bulk, rather than one by one. This is especially true when there are a large number of leases, and/or leases with large changes to payment schedules, including quarterly payments or rent holidays.

NetLease uses NetSuite’s native .csv upload process and it is broken out into a two-step process.

Step By Step Process:

  1. Upload Lease Details: This is necessary to input all the required fields so that the lease can be saved and a lease ID can be generated
  2. Upload Sublist Detail: Once a Lease ID is generated, additional sublist details can be uploaded and tied to a specific lease by linking to the lease ID. Example sublists include the following (although NetLease Lease Payments is by far the most common to be uploaded in bulk):
    1. NetLease Lease Component Payments
    2. NetLease Contract Provisions

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