NetCash Release Notes 1/27/24
NetCash Version 2024.2.57
Automation rules
Execute Automation Rules
A button has been added to each automation rule page that will allow users to execute that rule.
Grouped Matching
A new grouping tab has been added to the auto-match rule type. This allows users to group transactions by criteria on the Bank Transaction Side or the NetSuite GL Transaction side. With grouping users can now match one GL transaction to multiple bank transactions, one bank transaction to multiple GL transactions, or multiple bank transactions to multiple GL transactions.
The Review Matches and Auto Match pages were updated to indicate when a match is based on a grouping either on the Bank Side, GL Side, or both sides.
Bank troubleshooting
NetCash Bank Help Page
A NetCash Bank Help page was added to NetCash > Help > NetCash Bank Help. From this page users can see the most recent transaction that has been pulled in for each account by bank connector (Finicity or Plaid). As well as if an error occured the most recent time NetCash tried to pull transactions in from the connector.
This page also includes a button to manually trigger the script to pull transactions in from a connector and to refresh the connection.
Reconciliations Page enhancements
Not Started Reconciliations
Previously, users could only see reconciliations that had already been completed in the “Reconciliations” report page. There is now a setting in the NetCash Global Settings called “Show Not Started Reconciliations” that when enabled will allow users to see a reconciliation for each account on a date specified even if that reconciliation hasn’t been started.
Users can use the “Monthly Reconciliation Date” field to specify the date that a not started reconciliation should be created for (if left blank it will default to the last day of the month) and the “Not Started Reconciliation Accounts” to specify what accounts they want to show not started reconciliations for.
Reconcile page enhancements
Balance Sheet Timing Differences
A section called Balance Sheet Timing Differences was added to the NetCash Reconcile Page. This section shows potential timing differences in the GL Balance shown in NetCash that can be caused by transactions booked with a transaction date in one period but a posting period of another period.
Limiting bank account visibility by user
User subsidiary-based visibility setting
A new setting called “Restrict Bank Accounts Based on Subsidiary” has been created. By default, this setting will be off. This setting allows companies to limit the NetCash Bank Accounts and information that users see based on the user’s designated NetSuite subsidiary.
NetSuite Enforce User Roles
Native NetSuite record/search pages used in troubleshooting NetCash will not follow NetSuite’s native enforce user role settings so that users will only be able to see transactions related to their user settings similar to other Native Netsuite record/search pages. This will not impact the NetCash User Interface pages/reports only records that users search for through the native NetSuite search bar.
User interface enhancements
Review Matches and Auto Match page filter changes
On the Review Matches and Auto Match page, certain filters have been updated to multi-select
Match page volume
A new global setting was created under System Features called “Match Query Volume” to allow users to set the number of transactions displayed on the Manual and Review Match pages. By default, this is set to 5,000 transactions. Users can set this higher where needed, however, the performance of NetCash will be slowed as the queries will be handling more transactions at a time.
Manual Match Page column preferences
A preferences button was added to the top right corner of the Manual Match Page which allows users to set the columns that they see on the Bank and GL sides of the page.
Auto-unmatch control
NetCash will now check to see if an account or amount has been updated on a NetSuite GL Transaction that was previously matched in NetCash and unmatch that bank and GL transaction match, including deleting any transactions created by NetCash. If the amount or account is updated NetCash will automatically unmatch the transaction. If the date is updated, then the system will check the global setting “Balanced Changed Date Tolerance” and if the date changed by more than that value then it will trigger the balanced changed status for reconciliations. However, NetCash will not unmatch or delete the transaction if the date has changed.
CSV import tool
Volume handling
The CSV import tool has been enhanced to handle CSV files with a large number of rows and characters
Bug fixes
Duplicate entries
A bug was resolved that caused certain transactions to be created twice when matching in NetCash if the account had multi-book enabled or if the account had two accounting periods open simultaneously.