NetClose - Prepare and Start Close Tasks

NetClose has the ability to track tasks and their statuses. As tasks are worked on and completed, users will change the status of the tasks. Task statuses can be changed and updated directly from the task lists. Tasks with a reviewer assigned will go have an additional review step added to them.


Close task templates must be created and the tasks must be generated for the period. 

Prepare Close Tasks

Navigate to NetClose > Tasks > Prepare Close Tasks to see the list of generated tasks that need to be worked on and completed. The list will automatically be filtered to the current period and user. The list can be filtered as needed.

Click the Plus Sign next to a task to view the details on that task.

The Due Date is automatically created based on the close timing on the task and the work calendar. The Start Date will automatically be entered when the task is started. Status comments can also be added and updated as the task is worked on. To set the status on the task to Working On It, click Start. The details will update on the task list.

Preparers and reviewers can take action directly from the task list page. The final column of each task includes action buttons and status indication badges. This allows assignees and approvers to take action directly in each line of the table without having to open anything. When hovering over any button the action that button takes will be explained. Below is an explanation of each action button. 

Submit for review
Mark complete with no approver
Mark complete as the approver
Send back for edits

There is a setting in the NetClose System Setup called "Require tasks to be started" that controls the in-line actions. If this setting is turned on, then before a user can submit a task for review they will have to "Start" that task and put it into "In progress" status. If this is the case, the user will first see a play button that says start when hovered over, instead of seeing a forward arrow. Once the user clicks that button they will then see the forward arrow. This is used for companies that want to track how long a task is in progress. By default, this setting will be off. 

Action can also be taken with the task open, click into the task to open it up and click the buttons to progress the task as applicable:

Mark BlockedClick this to change the status to Blocked. Use this to flag tasks that have problems.
Mark CompleteClick this to change the status to Complete
Submit for ReviewThe Submit for Review option will show when the task has a reviewer specified. Click this to change the status to Submitted for Review. The task will then show on the Review Task list.
RestartClick this to reset the task status to Not Started and remove all comments and start and completed dates.

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