NetLessor - Allocations


NetLessor can facilitate the split out of G/L impacts based on information entered on a custom child allocation record. 


Creating the Child Allocation Record

Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > New and do the following when defining a new Child Allocation record:

  1. Enter a "Name" for the allocations being defined (e.g. NetLessor Allocations)
  2. Uncheck "Include Name Field" as most of the time individual allocation records do not need to be named
  3. Change the ACCESS TYPE field to "Use Permission List" and give desired roles Full access on the "Permissions" subtab.  
  4. Check "Allow Child Record Editing" to allow allocations to be entered as an inline sublist from the lease record
  5. Save the new Custom Record Type

Next, drill back into the Allocation record that was just created (Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > NetLessor Allocations) and add fields to define the mapping by clicking the "New Field" button:

All three of the following fields will need to be created in the Allocation record:

1) Lease Field - Put the TYPE field as "List/Record", the LIST/RECORD field should be "NetLessor Lease", check the box "Show in List" and "Record is Parent". Specify under the "Display" subtab which subtab on the Lease record that the allocations should appear via the "Parent Subtab" field.

2) Segmentation Field - This is the segment that needs to be allocated. It can be any field type so long as it matches the field type of where this information is sourced to the transaction. Most commonly native NetSuite segments Department, Class or Location are used here, but you could also use a custom segment.

Subsidiary allocation is not available as a segmentation field

3) Amount Field - This can be either a Decimal Number or an Integer field.

Once all fields have been added to the Allocation record, the record should look like this: 

Next, a NetLessor Custom Sourcing record needs to be setup.

Sourcing Allocations to Posting Lease Transactions

Navigate to NetLessor > NetLessor Setup > Manage Custom Sourcing > New

Enter field information to define sourcing from the Allocation record to the posting transaction (be sure to specify the "Type" as "Allocations" to ensure all necessary fields are available).


Input a unique name to define the custom sourcing.

TypeSelect "Transaction Posting" to source from the lease record to any automated posting transactions and select "Allocations" to source from the allocation record to the transaction record. 
Allocation RecordThe custom record used to define the allocation. 
Allocation Lease FieldThe field referencing the lease on the allocation record. Used to identify which lease the allocation applies to.
Allocation Amount FieldThe amount to allocate to the "From Allocation Field" in proportion to the other allocation records on the lease.
From Allocation FieldInput the lease field to source to (e.g. Class).
To Transaction FieldInput the transaction field to source from (e.g. Class (Journal Line)).
Apply To ImpactsFilter the impacts for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for debits).
Apply To Transaction TypesFilter the transaction types for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for Termination entries).
Apply To AccountsFilter the accounts for which this sourcing should apply to (e.g. apply sourcing only on Balance Sheet accounts).
Apply To SubsidiariesFilter the subsidiaries for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for the Parent Company).
Apply To ClassificationsFilter the lease classifications for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for the Operating leases).
Apply To Lease TypesFilter the lease types for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for Real Estate leases).
Apply to Accounting Books (optional)Filter the accounting books for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for tax books).

Once this record is saved, the only remaining setup activity is to make sure that the allocations sublist appears where desired on the NetLessor Lease form.

Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > NetLessor Lease. Click on the Forms tab and click Edit next to the Preferred Form. 

Under Subtabs, make sure the box is checked to Show the Allocations subtab on the lease record:

Save the form.

This completes the setup of NetLessor Allocations! Now navigate to a NetLessor lease record (NetLessor > Lease Management > Lease List > Select a lease that has allocations) to make sure the sublist is showing correctly and to add in your allocation amounts. Click on the Allocations subtab and then click New NetLessor Allocations to add in the allocation amounts.

Enter the allocation criteria (ex: class, department, location) and the allocation amount (ex: percentage to allocate to that class, department, or location), save, and add additional allocations as needed (ex: for another class). 

Once all the allocations have been added, you should see them all under the allocations subtab on the lease record. The amounts in the amount column should add to 1 or 100 (depending on if you entered them as decimals or integers).

Now that you have allocations entered, when you run your monthly entries, the G/L impact will be split out based on the allocations defined on the lease record:

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