SuperSync Files Release Notes
Version numbers follow a {major}.{minor}.{patch} numbering system. Patch version numbers may be skipped if a patch was released and rapidly superseded by a subsequent patch number.
0.5.1 - 25-Mar-2025
- Fixed issue with file paths not navigable back up levels when configured as such
- Fixed issue with files not loading until page refreshed or breadcrumbs link clicked
- Improvements to internal error logging to improve error traceability
0.5.0 - 21-Mar-2025
- Added SuiteScript API module to interact with bundle with first three functions for Sharepoint.
0.4.5 - 28-Feb-2025
- Updates to timing of background refresh after page load of list of files
- Prevent repeated subfolder check whenever the base folder path is clicked
0.4.4 - 17-Feb-2025
- Support for files tab showing on records in edit mode
- Added list of script errors to app menu
- When auto-creating folders on record creation, support for conditional formulas
- Improvements to efficiency of Google Drive integration requests
- Fix for subfolders being created when using multiple configs for same record type
- Auto-refresh of files periodically after opening files browser
0.4.3 - 27-Jan-2025
- Ability to use column fields to reference parent record for “nest under” configurations
- Additional preps for upcoming API module
0.4.2 - 13-Jan-2025
- Some baseline preps for upcoming API module
- Update to lazy-load files iframe under sub-tab
- Addressed SuiteScript 2.1 compatibility issue with Google Auth libraries
0.4.1 - 16-Aug-2024
- Create sub-folders when auto-create path setting is enabled
- Support for “all item types” config for record type configs
- Ability to set a record type config to nest under a parent folder
- Ability to setup a record folder to be directly in the base folder of the site
- Use of a conditional formula to show or hide the tab
0.4.0 02-July-2024
- Ability to set a record type config to nest under a parent folder
- Ability to setup a record folder to be directly in the base folder of the site
- Use of a conditional formula to show or hide the tab
0.3.4 02-May-2024
- Ability to define a list of subfolders to create with a SuiteQL Query
- Fix for subfolders creating within subfolders (bug)
0.3.3 23-Apr-2024
- Fix for default script deployment context impacting auto-create folder on record create
- Fix for UI element colors for NetSuite 2024.1
- Config to always check to create subfolder list
0.3.2 01-Apr-2024
- Feature to be able to define record paths as SuiteQL queries
- Improvements to record type config form and setups
0.3.1 18-Feb-2024
- Support for double slash "//" to break folder paths to child folder in formulas
- Record type dropdown field on record type configs page
0.3.0 2023-12-13
- Split screen for viewing PDFs and images
0.2.11 2023-11-23
- Fix for configs loading for record types with multiple files tabs configured
0.2.10 2023-11-20
- Improvements to rendering files page when used in customer center
- Issue addressed on support for permissions defined at connection level
0.2.9 2023-11-14
- Support for connection level permissions rather than each record type
- Pop-up for securely storing Google Client Secret to address issues on reading Google credential
0.2.8 2023-10-06
- Error handling improvements
- Update to use new dedicated SuperSync Files Microsoft App registration
0.2.6 2023-09-15
- Support for shorthand record type references in configs
- Patch for specific record types which do not fully support scripting not working
- Improvement to support on custom transaction types
- Improved error messaging for formula errors
0.2.5 2023-09-05
- Support for defining sandbox specific credential fields
- Fix for breadcrumbs issue on files subtab
- Sharepoint fix for illegal characters
- Support for multiple files tabs per record type
0.2.4 2023-08-28
- Internal auth token handling improvements
0.2.3 2023-08-27
- Breadcrumbs folder path fixes
- Sharepoint support for pre-creating folders on record create
- Entry form updates
0.2.2 2023-08-11
- Fixes for Sharepoint disallowed characters
0.2.1 2023-07-27
- Fix for null configurations
- Fix for permissions formula override
- Custom transactions added to wildcard configs setup
0.2.0 2023-05-29
- Fixes to creating subfolders
- Fix to Sharepoint folder create
- UI style updates
- Block navigating to parent folders
- Ability to set record level permissions formula
- Google docs support for upload date
- Option to ignore stored folder path
0.1.2 2023-05-17
- Blank out folder path fields on copy/create
- Field name fixes
0.1.1 2023-05-17
- Fixes to permissions
- Fixes to saving web URLs
- Fix to correctly load configs by record type
- Conversion from prior bundle version
- Speed improvements on loading configs
Version Releases as part of prior Sync365 Bundle:
0.9.4 2023-04-03 Improved error handling on file delete
Google identity updates
Google updates to handle multiple Google identities by user in browser
0.9.3 2023-02-19
Certificate updates for 2023-2024
0.9.2 2023-01-26
“Sharepoint Folder Name” field defaulting on entities
Attachments script available as module for local customizations
0.9.1 2022-11-26
Null value bug fix on Google Drive attachments
0.8.0 2022-11-12
Fix to block double running attachments load
0.7.0 2022-06-28
Support for read-only mode
Special character bug fixes in document names
0.6.1 2020-11-08
Ability to add custom Google Drive API Key
Handled issue with duplicate folders being created
0.6.0 2020-11-04
Added support for Google Drive in addition to MS Sharepoint
0.5.1 2020-06-01
Improvements to batch folder creation to avoid timeouts
0.5.0 2020-05-12
New method of managing folder names by record type
0.4.4 2020-03-20
Issue fix on folder creation in new directories
0.4.3 2020-03-04
Updated to new certificate
Issue fix on moving files
0.4.2 2020-01-23
Ability to load records in path builder with SuiteScript record module
Can now customize attachments tab name
Can use small icon mode
Issue fix on folder/file names with special characters
Prevent navigation above base folder for a record
0.4.1 2020-01-08
Role based permissions to file attachments
0.3.7 2019-08-23
Tenant ID field editable in settings
0.3.6 2019-06-19
Prevent user uploading illegal characters in file name
0.3.5 2019-06-04
Configurable Sharepoint permissions
Open PDF in new window on Sharepoint download
Issue handled on files with single quotes
0.3.4 2019-05-31
Fix to multiple file uploads on Sharepoint
Removed PowerBI update schema button
0.3.3 2019-05-02
Licensing checks introduced
0.3.2 2019-05-02
Send browser event on file upload
0.3.1 2019-04-30
Fix to bug on loading SuiteScript modules by path name
0.3.0 2019-04-28
Sharepoint module added to App
0.2.2 2018-09-23
Patch to fix issue with buttons on table layout