NetClose - Using Document Management & Folder Dimensions
The Document Management feature in NetClose Reconciliations provides the user with a live connection between their Microsoft SharePoint or Google Drive files and the Reconciliation Records within NetClose. This feature streamlines the reconciliation process by providing the user with a direct link to all support documentation and the ability to auto-create support "Items" within the Reconciliation Record.
Reconciliation Folder Structure Setup
1. Folder Dimensions in NetClose
To pull in reconciliations from Microsoft OneDrive into NetClose, users need to setup the folder dimensions that NetClose will create in OneDrive. These folder dimensions will be folder layers that are created inside the period folder for each reconciliation.
A user can setup Folder Dimension 1 and Folder Dimension 2 to indicate the name they would like to assign for the folder layer for each specific reconciliation related to their NetClose Account Groups. However, users do not need to use both folder dimensions. If no folder dimension is set, then a folder layer will be created using the NetClose Account Group name. If a user does have Folder Dimension 1 and Folder Dimension 2 setup for a NetClose account grouping then to navigate to the reconciliation files for that NetClose Account Grouping in OneDrive they would navigate through the following folders: Netgain Tools > NetClose Reconciliations > Period folder for given period > Folder Dimension 1 > Folder Dimension 2. Reconciliation files must be stored in the most specific folder layer for each NetClose Account grouping (i.e., Folder Dimension 2 if it is set and if not Folder Dimension 1).
For example, if a user has two NetClose Account Groups one called AP Trade and one called AP Canada, and they set Folder Dimension 1 for AP Trade as “AP” but not Folder Dimension 2, and for AP Canada they set Folder Dimension 1 to “AP” and Folder Dimension 2 to “Canada”, and the period is October 24, then the files for those respective groups would be as follows.
Example Folder Structures:
- For AP Trade: `NetGain Tools > NetClose Reconciliations > October 24 > AP
- For AP Canada: `NetGain Tools > NetClose Reconciliations > October 24 > AP > Canada
2. Setting up Folder Dimensions in NetClose
Users set Folder Dimension 1 and Folder Dimension 2 on the NetClose Account grouping by navigating to NetClose > Setup > Account Grouping and Rules. Click Edit on the table to assign or modify Folder Dimension 1 and Folder Dimension 2 for each reconciliation record.
Alternatively, users can click into individual NetClose Account groupings and navigate to the OneDrive Setup section to define these Folder Dimension 1 and Folder Dimension 2.
Reconciliation Tags and Operation
If a reconciling item in a file is tagged correctly but the file is stored in the wrong folder (e.g., AP files stored in an AR folder), the item will not be pulled into NetClose. Item tags for specific reconciliations need to be in the specific folder for that reconciliation. If a user has set a Folder Dimension 2, then files must be stored in that Folder Dimension 2. If a user only has a Folder Dimension 1, then files must be stored in that Folder Dimension 1.
If the reconciliations are setup, generate reconciliations for the next month. The Document Management feature will automatically create a default folder structure with a subfolder for the current reconciliation period and folders for the Folder Dimension 1 and Folder Dimension 2 that users set in the NetClose Account Groups.
Users can either drag and drop files or can search for a file by selecting Upload File. Once these files are linked and customized, they will remain linked/customized for future reconciliation periods.
The Document Management feature will also generate an Import File Tag that relates to each reconciliation. These file tags are randomly generated but can be overridden. Once overridden, future reconciliations of that account/subsidiary combination will use the new tag. These tags are used as text indicators. See step 5 for more information.
To customize all File Import Tags, perform a CSV import for the first month of reconciliations (the first month the Microsoft Connection was established) to override the field “Reconciliation Group Tag” (custrecord_nact_recon_group_tag) for each reconciliation to a unique string of characters. Once updated, this tag can be used to upload reconciling items from any excel file from within the larger "Netgain Tools" folder generated by the system.
If the user would like NetClose to auto-create an "Item" on the Reconciliation Record, they would input a text indicator in their file by using their Import File Tag ("NETCLOSE_TOTAL_DEBT>" ). This indicator tells the system to bring in the balance and the description. If the arrow on the indicator is pointing to the RIGHT, the system will pull in the balance to the right of the text indicator and the description to the right of the balance and vice versa for the arrow pointing to the LEFT. The system will pull in this information and create an "Item" to explain the unexplained balance for the reconciliation. The tag can be used to bring in more than one item, so if the tag appears twice in one file it will create two reconciling items.
- To sync files, navigate to NetClose > Reconciliations and select the specific reconciliations for syncing. Users can select one, multiple, or all reconciliations to sync. Please note, that the script to sync all reconciliations should run overnight, so it is generally preferable to select the specific reconciliations a user wants to sync. Click the Sync Files button within NetClose to sync the tagged reconciliation items that are stored in excel files in the OneDrive.Users can also drag and drop files directly into Document Management for specific reconciliations to trigger syncing.
Once setup, the user is ready to begin their reconciliation process!
7. NetClose will copy any files over from one period's reconciliation folder to the next period's folder when it is generated that have a '#' symbol in the name. If there is a file that you would like to use each period for reconciliation include the '#' in the name and it will be created each period as the reconciliations are generated.
Reconciliation records can only be edited when the status is not set to "Completed" or "Auto-reconciled." Therefore, reconciling items can only be added when a reconciliation is not in the "Completed" or "Auto-reconcilied" status.