NetLoan - Create a New Loan Record


Use Case: These steps can be followed to review and obtain information on an existing loan or as a starting point to create a new loan.

Prerequisite: All setup & configuration activities need to be complete.


  • In order to review an existing loan, you can navigate to the Loan Register (NetLoan > Loan Management > Loan Register) in the menu ribbon to search for or select an existing loan record.

  • Otherwise, to create a new loan record, select NetLoan > Loan Management > New Loan                 
  • A blank, new NetLoan Loan Form appears, from which you can create a new loan 
  • Manually update the Primary Information form section and fields as indicated below 

Field Name




Loan ID


A unique ID for the loan and the primary identifier within NetLoan for the loan record.


Loan Name


Free-form input for NetLoan users. This can be used for the lender’s contract # or other identifying information for the loan.

17 Cherry Tree Lane, London KY

Loan Type


Assign the loan type from the drop-down list, which are defined as part of the NetLoan settings.

Real Estate

LenderYesThe lender for the loan. This is the lender to whom loan bills will be paid.McGeever Properties



The subsidiary where the loan will reside.

Company, Inc.

DepartmentNoThe department where the loan will reside.Marketing
Class NoThe class where the loan will reside.Service
LocationNoThe location where the loan will reside.US - West



The contract currency for the loan, typically the currency in which payments will be made. This defaults to the lender’s primary currency.

US Dollar

Schedule Calculation TypeYes
  • Calculate Payment - will calculate the monthly payment based off a known annual percentage rate (APR) and initial loan balance
  • Calculate Rate - will calculate the APR based off a known monthly payment amount and initial loan balance
  • Default - will calculate the balloon payment based off a known APR, monthly payment, and loan balance 
  • Calculate Payment (Interest Only) - will calculate the monthly payment needed to pay only the interest portion on the loan, with the principle being paid in full at loan term.
  • Defined Principal Repayments - will calculate the monthly payment based off a set reduction to principal (the amount input for initial monthly payment)
Calculate Payment

Loan Notes


A text area field to include any relevant notes or loan-related information.

Contact Linda for details

  •  Also update the Schedule Information section and fields as indicated below
Field NameRequiredDescriptionExample



Pending = schedules can be created, but journals cannot

Commenced = the loan is ready for posting journal entries

Fully Paid = the loan has been paid off in full


Origination Date


The date on which the lender makes the funds available to the borrower.

NOTE: NetLoan uses a full month convention to generate schedules; i.e., mid-month dates will not result in partial month calculations.


Initial Payment Date


Input the date the first payment will be paid. Must be on or after the Origination Date.


Maturity DateCalculatedThe anticipated ending date of the loan, which is calculated (origination date + loan term).31-Dec-2021

Loan Term


The anticipated duration (in whole months) of the loan.


Initial Loan BalanceYesInput the initial balance of the loan before the down payment.$400,000

Initial Monthly Payment


Input the monthly payment for the loan.


Payment DayYes

The day of the month to book payments for the loan.

Business Day ConventionYesAffects which days loan payments post (and therefore affects interest calculations) when the expected payment day falls on a weekend or a holiday.
  • Unadjusted - if the loan payment date is scheduled for a non-business day (weekend or holiday), the payment is still booked on that date
  • Following - if the loan payment date is scheduled for a non-business day (weekend or holiday), the payment is booked on the next business day
  • Mod-Following - if the loan payment date is scheduled for a non-business day (weekend or holiday), the payment is booked on the next business day. However, if the next business day is in the subsequent period, then the payment is booked (in full) on the last available business day of the current period.
  • Preceding - if the loan payment date is scheduled for a non-business day (weekend or holiday), the payment is booked on the previous business day
  • Mod-Preceding - if the loan payment date is scheduled for a non-business day (weekend or holiday), the payment is booked on the previous business day. However, if the previous business day is in the prior period, then the payment is booked (in full) on the next available business day of the current period.
Day Count ConventionYes
  • 30/360: Calculates the daily interest using a 360-day year and then multiplies that by 30 (standardized month)
  • 30/365: Calculates the daily interest using a 365-day year and then multiplies that by 30 (standardized month)
  • Actual/360: Calculates the daily interest using a 360-day year and then multiplies that by the actual number of days in each time period
  • Actual/365: Calculates the daily interest using a 365-day year and then multiplies that by the actual number of days in each time period
  • Actual/Actual: Calculates the daily interest using the actual number of days in the year and then multiplies that by the actual number of days in each time period
Annual Percentage RateYesInput the annual percentage rate on the loan.5%

Loan Origination Fees for Capitalization


Input the net loan origination fees minus direct loan origination costs for the loan.


Down Payment


Input the down payment on the loan.


Balloon Payment


Input the balloon payment amount on the loan (to be paid in the final period), if it differs from the monthly payment.


  • Click Save to establish the loan and generate a Loan ID
  • The completed loan record header details may appear as follows

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