Mass Delete Instructions


To delete records in bulk based on a saved search criteria.

Bundle Installation

Navigate to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles

Search for bundle ID 278214 and click the link to the Netgain | Mass Delete bundle

Click the Install button to preview the installation


Then click the Install Bundle button to initiate the installation

Wait for the installation Status to change from Pending to indicating the bundle was successfully installed

Configure Deployments

 Now that the bundle is installed, navigate to Customization > Scripting > Scripts to view the scripts list, then select View next to the script NG – Mass Delete All


Click the Deploy Script button

Create a deployment with an Applies To of the record type you’d like to delete, set the Status to Released, the Execute as Role to Administrator, and specify the desired Audience



Run Mass Update

 Navigate to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates

Under Custom Updates select the script name for the record you’d like to delete

Specify a search criteria for the records you’d like to delete then click the “Preview” button

Unselect any records you do not want to delete, then click the “Perform Update” button


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