NetLessor - Go-Live Call Overview


This article gives an overview of what needs to be done in preparation for the go-live call, and what will need to be done after go-live.

Client Preparation

Prior to the call, you will want to review the leases in production to ensure that none of the data changed during the transition over to production. Following that, you will need to commence the leases—which will allow NetLessor to run journal entries for your leases. At some point, you will also need to book manual entries to reverse prior lease balances that were held on your balance sheet prior to going-live in NetLessor—as these balances will get rebooked via NetLessor. You can refer to the instructions in the NetLessor Go-Live Overview article for more information regarding this process.

Go-Live Call

On this call, you will run the go-live entries that will reinstate all lease balances onto your balance sheet via NetLessor. Depending on the number of leases, these entries can take about 5-20 minutes to process. This will also be a good time to ask any final implementation-related questions and tie up loose ends.

Next Steps

Once all entries have succesfully processed, you will want to make sure that there are no prior-to-NetLessor balances remaining on your balance sheet that are not connected to a lease record in NetLessor. Additionally, the go-live clearing account should now be fully cleared out and no longer show a balance.

You will be able to continue to reach out to your implementation team with any NetLessor-related questions through your next full month-end close cycle, before being transitioned over to our dedicated support channel (

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