NetLease 2025.1


  • Added new global setting, ROU FX Accounting Preference, with the following options for remeasuring ROU impacts between the historical exchange rate and the current exchange rate for leases where the contract currency is different from the base currency of the subsidiary:

    • Net Only

    • Gross & Accumulated


  • Added "Apply Uplifts" button to the payments sublist on the modification page to allow the user to apply the uplift percentage ad-hoc.
  • Updated "Decrease In Scope (LL Remeasure & Gain/Loss)" modification to account for IFRS reduction in lease term modifications.
  • True Up enhancements
    • Added the ability to adjust the commencement date in a true up modification.
    •  System calculated corrected schedule will now be attached to the modification proposal (Documents subtab) as a CSV file.
    • Updated True Up modification to automatically load all previous versions of the lease (snapshots at initial schedule generation and subsequent modifications) for faster entry.


  • Updated all amortization schedule generating jobs (initial schedule generation, modification, termination, time machine, transfer) to perform updates as in-line edits to lease amortization schedule sublist resulting in up to 8x performance improvement (results may vary)

    • NOTE: Because of these changes User Event Scripts and Workflows deployed to the NetLease Schedule Line record will no longer fire - to opt back into the old schedule generation method, navigate to NetLease > NetLease Setup > System Setup and check the "Trigger UEs on Schedule Generation (Slow)" checkbox.

View full screen here


  • Added a new global setting, Closed Period Renewals, which grants users the ability to renew a lease even if the period after the lease's current end date is in a closed period.
  • Added support for modifications to extend a No G/L Impact lease effective the day after the current end date.


  • Updated "NetLease Subledger Period End Balance Detail Template" search to include pending leases 
  • Updated "Weighted Average Rate Report" and "Weighted Average Term Report" to be split out and weight by lease classification.
  • Added new report filter setting, "Show FX Calculations", to the scripted disclosure subledger reports that will display extra columns showing how subledger amounts were converted and with what exchange rates in order to arrive at the final amount. 

View full screen here

  • Report packaging enhancements:
    • Added the ability to use a custom Consolidation Date when generating a report package
    • Added new field to the NetLease Report record, "Default Consolidation", that determines which consolidation method (e.g. current, average, etc.) will be used by default when the report is loaded or run via report package.


  • Updated bulk termination processing (NetLease > Mass Update Leases > Terminate Leases) to use cash paid/received values from the recent approved termination proposal if one exists (even if not explicitly selected by filtering for "Proposals Only")

Usage Based Amortization

  •  Added new Usage field to the NetLease Custom Calendar Period record to facilitate changes in the proportion of amortization / lease expense applied in a given period.


  • Added better support for unicode characters for CSV exports.
  • Various bug fixes (see minor release notes).
  • Fully tested for the NetSuite 2025.1 release.

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