NetAsset - Proposals Roll Forward Report


The Proposals Roll Forward report is a Netgain scripted transaction report that summarizes all fixed asset clearing account activity.

How To


NetAsset > Reports (All or GL & Recon) > Proposals Roll Forward Report > Run


The report search can be narrowed down by adjusting the filters for subsidiary, department, accounting period, currency, consolidated exchange rate, report level, class, location, or date. Once desired filters are set, click preview to view the report.


Upon running the report the user will see the the following activity information:

  • Beginning Balance
    • Any transaction impacts to the accounts prior to the reporting period.
  • Proposals
    • Transaction impacts to the accounts during the reporting period, typically from a bill or journal.
  • Additions
    • Gross: NetAsset Capitalization & NetAsset Build Up Entries
  • Ending Balances
    • Beginning balances + transaction impacts from the reporting period

The fixed assets can be expanded to drill down to the individual asset. Select the export button to download the report into Excel.


1. If desired assets do not appear in the report, check the selected filters to ensure assets are not being restricted from view.

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