NetCash Reconciliations Report


Bank reconciliations can be done daily, weekly, or monthly depending on the size of your operations and the desired timing of data visibility. This process is completed by following the steps in the NetCash Reconcile article. To see the reconciliations that have been initiated, follow the below steps:


  • Navigate to NetCash > Reports > Reconciliations

  • If desired, filter by the applicable account

  • Once the desired population of reconciliations is showing, select any reconciliation to see more information


By default, the Reconciliations page only shows reconciliations that have been completed. If a user wants to see a reconciliation for each NetCash Bank Account for each month, even if a reconciliation has not been started, then this can be enabled in the NetCash System Setup. The walkthrough below explains this process.


Click here to view the walkthrough in full screen

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