NetLessor - True Up Modification
Use Case: In the middle of a lease's life, a user may determine that a lease was commenced with the wrong information or has been incorrectly accounted for in subsequent periods since commencement, resulting in incorrect balance sheet and income statement impact to date. If a NetLessor user elects not to reverse activity back to the original commencement date through the Refresh Lease Process, a true-up modification entry can instead be made to correct the life-to-date G/L impact based on point-in-time lease information. A modification journal in the current period “trues up” the accounting impacts to what the current period beginning balances should have been had the different information been input for the lease. All historical information is retained with historical schedule lines, and a true-up line is created with a link to the true-up entry. Any differences are recorded against the appropriate accounts.
Note: NetLessor true up modification is only available for Operating leases currently. A true up modification does not support changing the commencement date of a lease. Also, the true up modification type is not yet available on multi-book or FX leases. |
Prerequisites: Lease modifications will be effective in the month after which amortization has been run. Prior to entering the modification, confirm that your lease has not had amortization ran in the period you want the true up to be effective for.
- Navigate to the NetLessor record where the modification is to be recorded and click the Modify button.
- On the Lease Modification page click the down arrow on the Modification Type field and select True Up.
- The Lease Version field will show the commencement period of the lease.
- If the true up is needed from the commencement date, update the applicable fields (for field descriptions see the table below).
- If the true up applies to a period after commencement, select the Add Version button.
- You will be directed to select an effective date for the new lease version. Select the appropriate date and click Add Version.
- Note, all periods from commencement to the current period will be available.
- Note, all periods from commencement to the current period will be available.
- Next, update the fields as necessary for this lease version.
- You will be directed to select an effective date for the new lease version. Select the appropriate date and click Add Version.
- If additional versions are necessary, repeat the steps above.
- After double-checking inputs for the modification, click Modify Lease. You will be navigated back to the lease record where you can refresh until the Processing Status no longer reads Processing Revaluation...
- The Effective Modification Date Period will be split into two lines - one to record the GL Impact of the Modification and one to record the normally scheduled amortization.
- Click on hyperlink to the NetLessor Modification Entry to see the old asset G/L impacts reversed out and new G/L impacts re-established.
- A NetLessor Modification record will be saved on the Modification subtab of the asset to save historical data before and after the modification.
- Clicking the ID link will reveal the lease information both before and after the revaluation.
- If necessary to reverse the modification, you can select the Reverse Modification button on the NetLessor record to revert back to the schedule prior to the true up modification.
True Up Field Descriptions
Field | Description | Example |
Lease Version | The current version or point in time that lease inputs are being edited for. | 09/01/2023 |
Updated Lease Classification | Future use field. Currently only accepts Operating. | Operating |
Modified Lease End Date | The updated end date after the modification. | 12/31/2024 |
Updated Lease Term (Months) | The updated lease term after the modification. | 36 |
Updated Remaining Lease Term (Months) | The updated remaining lease term after the modification. | 36 |
Updated Remaining Economic Life (Months) | The updated remaining economic life (months) after the modification. | 240 |
Initial Payment Amount | The corrected initial payment amount at commencement. | $2,000 |
Prepaid Lease Payment | The corrected prepaid lease payment amount at commencement. | $5,000 |
Initial Direct Costs | The corrected initial direct costs amount at commencement. | $5,000 |
Updated Fair Value | The corrected fair value at commencement. | $10,000 |
Updated Carrying Costs | The corrected carrying costs at commencement. | $9,000 |
Modification Note | Enter any relevant notes for the lease modification. | Correction of lease payments. |
Updated Estimated Residual Value | The corrected estimated residual value at commencement. | $1,000 |
Updated Guaranteed Residual Value - Lessee | The corrected residual value amount guaranteed by the lessee under the lease agreement at commencement. | $2,000 |
Updated Guaranteed Residual Value -3rd Party | The corrected residual value amount guaranteed by a 3rd party under the lease agreement at commencement. | $2,000 |