Maintenance Bundle Reporting
USE CASE: Keeping track of the maintenance, cleanings, and inspections of your assets is crucial. Luckily, these maintenance records can be associated with and visible directly on asset records in NetAsset. All maintenance details are then available for reporting and tracking. The "Maintenance" NetAsset add-on is available to all NetAsset users at no additional cost.
BUNDLE INSTALATION AND CONFIGUARTION: If you have not yet downloaded and configured the NetAsset Maintenance add-on, do so by following the steps outlined in this article. Then follow the steps below to create your own personalized maintenance reports.
- To create your maintenance report, navigate to Lists> Search> Saved Searches> New
- From the list of new saved searches, find and select the NG Maintenance search
- Once selected, you will be navigated to a blank Saved NG Maintenance Search record
- Start by filling out the following fields on the header of the record according to your preferences:
Field | Example | Details |
Name | NetAsset Maintenance Report | Enter the name you would like to give your saved search |
ID | _ng_maintenance_report | Enter an ID for the saved search |
Public | Checked | Check this box to make this search available to all users with sufficient permissions |
Available as List View | Checked | Check this box to make this search's settings available for lists of this type of record |
Available as Dashboard View | Checked | Check this box to make this search's settings available for dashboard list portlets of this type of record |
Available as Sublist View | Checked | Check this box to make this search's results available to audience members as a view for sublists on lists of this kind of record |
Available for Reminders | Unchecked | Enable this option to allow a count of and link to this search's results to be displayed in the Reminders portlet |
Show in Menu | Checked | Check this box to make this saved search's title appear as a menu option under Reports > Saved Searches |
- On the Criteria subtab, list the filter which should be applied to the saved search records
- Customize this section to best represent your needs
- A possible option here would be to filter by the Inactive field, to only show active maintenance records
- Another option would be to filter by the Maintenance Complete field, to exclude any maintenance records that have already been completed
- The Results subtab drives which columns will appear on your saved search
- Customize this section until all desired information is listed
Available Filters:
- Filters added on the Available Filters subtab will appear on the results page of the saved search
- An option here would be to add an Asset filter, so that you can filter down the search by a specific asset
- Another option would be to add an Inactive or Maintenance Completed filter here, if these were not already added under the Criteria subtab
- When adding your filters, ensure you check the "Show in Filter Region" box
- Once you are happy with the configuration of your saved search, Save your changes
Option 1
- One way to view and run your saved search is by navigating to List> Search> Saved Searches
- On the Saved Searches page, ensure to filter the list by the NG Maintenance type
- From the results, find your search and select View to run it
- To make changes to your saved search select Edit
- If configured correctly, you should then be seeing a list of maintenance records, filtered by your set criteria
Option 2
- Another way to run your saved search is simply by entering the name of the saved search in the NetSuite search bar and by clicking on the results
Option 3
- Users might find it useful to add this saved search to their list of reports directly in NetAsset
- This can be especially helpful if you want to add this maintenance search to the Favorite Reports list in NetAsset
- Navigate to NetAsset> Reports> All Reports> New
- On the blank NetAsset Report record, fill in the following fields:
Field | Example | Details |
Name | NetAsset Maintenance Report | The name you would like to give your report |
Category | Admin Report | The overarching category the report belongs to |
Favorite | Checked | Check this box to favorite this report for the Favorite Reports List |
Type | Saved Search | The type of report used to display data. |
Saved Search | NetAsset Maintenance Report | The name of the saved search underlying the report |
Saved Search Type | NG Maintenance | The type of saved search underlying the report --this field is determined automatically based off the saved search field |
Description | Saved search report to track all maintenance records | A brief description of the report |
- Once Saved, you will be able to view and run your report by navigating to NetAsset> Reports and by selecting the category you added your report to
- Select Run to view your report