NetLease - Early Terminations


The early terminations report provides a detail listing of leases terminated early during the selected period range.


NetLease > Reports (All or Management) > Early Terminations > Run


The report search can be narrowed down by adjusting the filters for termination date, subsidiary, lease type, lease ID, lease name, and date. The report will automatically update as filtering options are selected. 


Upon running the report the user will see all early terminated leases in the selected period range by lease. Each lease line item will include general information about the lease (ID, lease type, vendor, etc.) and termination information (termination ID, termination date, cash paid/received, etc.). The user also has the ability to view the corresponding NetLease termination entry by clicking the journal entry link. 


Is the report missing leases?

If desired leases do not appear in the report, check the selected filters to ensure leases are not being restricted from view.

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