Punchout - Managing Punchout Tile Permissions
Note: The instructions covered in this document require system admin access to NetSuite and should only be performed by an authorized user familiar with the account.
There are two methods of managing access to the Punchout tiles in NetSuite:
1) Enable or disable access to specific Punchout tiles
2) Enable or disable access to the entire Punchout tiles Portlet
The method for each of these is covered below.
Access for Specific Punchout Tiles
The access for specific Punchout Tiles can be controlled via the Punchout menu when logged in as an admin. In NetSuite navigate to:
Punchout > Punchout Configs > Vendor Tile Configs
This will show a list of all vendor tiles configured on the system. Note that in some cases there may be two copies of each tile, one for production and one for Sandbox.
When editing the Vendor Tile Configs, a "Permissions" sub tab is available to filter the access to the tile by Employee, Role, Subsidiary or Department.
Each of the fields are multi-select. If values from multiple fields are selected, all of the criteria must be met. For example selecting the Accountant role and a specific department would only enable users belonging to that specific department who are logged in as the Accountant role to see the tile.
Access to the Punchout Tiles Portlet
Access to the entire Punchout Tiles Portlet can be controlled at the script level by navigating to:
Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments
And then filtering for "Portlet" script types:
The Punchout tiles Portlet should appear as "Punchout - Vendor Tiles"
This script deployment can be edited and access can be modified under the "Audience" sub-tab.