Punchout for NetSuite - Enable Punchout From Transactions
This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to enable the ability to punchout from a transaction instead of the dashboard for Punchout for NetSuite.
NOTE - Users need to navigate to the Punchout sub-tab, select the desired vendor tile, then select the button that will display at the top of the record to punchout to the supplier's website.
Prerequisites: Must be logged in as an administrator in the NetSuite account.
Step by Step Process
- Navigate to Punchout > Punchout Configs and select Vendor Tiles Configs.
- Select Edit.
- Select the Advanced sub-tab.
- Check the Enable Punchout from Transactions box.
- Select Save.
If any difficulties or issues arise, please reach out to supersync@netgain.tech for resolution.