NetClose - Reconciliation Items

Reconciliation Items are attached to reconciliations that have been generated for specific periods. Items are added to explain the "Unexplained Balance" of the reconciliation. The sum of the items on a reconciliation is what totals the "Explained Balance". There is no limit to the number of reconciliation items that can be attached to a reconciliation. Items can be added manually on the Items subtab, or by excel upload under the Items Upload subtab.


The reconciliations must be generated to add items.

Step by Step

Navigate to NetClose > Reconciliations > Prepare Reconciliations. Click the Plus Sign next to the applicable reconciliation. You can view the details of the GL Beginning Balance, Debit Activity, Credit Activity, and GL Ending Balance. You can then see the "Unexplained Balance" that will need to be explained with reconciliation items.

Manually Adding a Reconciliation Item

Click the "New Item" Button under the Items subtab. Name the item, list the amount, any applicable notes, if you would like the item to be carried forward to the next period, and what type of item it is on the drop down list.

Click the green check to complete, or the red ex to delete the item line.

You can edit already submitted items by clicking the pencil icon next to the reconciliation item. 

Item Upload

Rather than uploading the reconciliations manually, you can upload an excel file with the data. Click on the "Item Upload" subtab. You can drag and drop an already created excel file to this location. NetClose will create a reconciliation item based on the amount on the excel sheet with "NETCLOSE_TOTAL>" to the left or "<NETCLOSE_TOTAL" to the right of the cell containing the reconciliation item amount. 

Example of an Excel document using the "<NetClose_Total" functiton.

When you drag and drop the file, a popup will appear to confirm the total reconciliation item you are adding.

After confirming the amount, it will be added under the Items tab as a reconciliation item explained balance item.

After the upload is complete, the excel file can be viewed again by clicking "View" next to the reconciliation item. This will bring you to the detailed reconciliation item where you can download the excel file that was uploaded.

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