Approvals - Setup Approval Step by Approver Formula


This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough for managing approvals by approver formula within the Netgain Approvals module of NetSuite. 

Approver Formulas allows the entry of a formula to dynamically assign an approver relative to the transaction or record that is started from. Formulas are valid if they are able to be run in a saved search for the record type being approved. This can be based on any entity field relative to that record.  {vendor.internalid} is an example of a formula that could be used.

PrerequisitesHave purchased and installed the Netgain Approvals bundle and have NetSuite admin access.

Step by Step Process 

  1. In the top right corner, navigate to ... > Approvals > Configs > Approval Processes and select Approval Processes.
  2. Select View for the corresponding approval process.

    Note - If creating a new approval process, follow the steps here
  3. Select New Approval Process Line to create a new approval step or select Edit next to the approval process line.
  4. Under Process Line Information, select Name and create a name for the approval step. The name of the approval line can be anything. This name will show up when you select Preview Approval Steps on the record the approval process is created for. It's useful to have a helpful description that describes the approval step or why it is there.
  5. Under Process Line Settings, select Sequence and enter a number. This can be any number, it does not need to be 1,2,3,4,5. Any number is okay as long as it is in numeric sequence.
  6. Select Approver Type then select Approver Formula from the dropdown.
  7. Under Approver Selection, select Approver Formula and enter a formula.
  8. Select Save.

Things to be Aware Of 

If Approver Type is set to Approver Formula, because multiple users can apply, this will generate steps for each user and list out the names of each individual under the approval process steps as a Multiple-Approver Step.

Approval steps can be customized to be in effect or skipped if Approval Limits and Amount Thresholds are met or through the use of Conditional Step Formulas.

Approval steps can also be customized to only approve inside NetSuite rather than via email.


If any difficulties or issues arise, please reach out to for resolution.

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