SSEO - How to Customize Record Fields

Record fields are fields that you can add to your records and transactions to document information specific to your business needs. You can customize record fields in NetSuite and use them to create Customer, Contact, or Lead records from the add-in. 

This process must be completed by a NetSuite Administrator.

As an administrator, you can enable different record forms for users on a profile-by-profile basis. Click here to learn how to customize profiles.

To customize a record field, go to Customization → List, Records & Fields → SuperSync Email Record Field and click on List to the right of the SuperSync Email Record Field. A new page called SuperSync Email Record Field List will open up and you can edit the record field that you’d like to customize.

Every SuperSync Email for Outlook account has different record fields. Please note that the fields you see on this example are different from those you'll see on your account.

Once you open the record field you'd like to customize you'd see the following fields:

1. Name

Enter a name for this term record.

2. Auto Generate Name

When enabled, the Name field will be automatically generated based on the values of the other fields on this Record Field. This is to make it easier to tell the difference between other Record Fields when selecting them on the Record Form. It's recommended to keep this enabled.

3. Inactive checkbox

Check this box to remove all references to this record from your account.

4. Record Type

Choose the appropriate record type for this Record Field. This will narrow down the options of the Field field to only fields of the chosen record type.

5. Field

Choose the field that belongs to this Record Field.

6. Label

This is the label of the Record Field displayed on the Record Form in the add-in. It's likely that you will want to keep this the same as the label of the field in NetSuite.

7. Mandatory checkbox

When enabled, a value must be entered into this Record Field in order to submit the Record Form.

8. Display Type

Choose how this Record Field should be displayed on the Record Form. These are the same options that appear when creating a field in NetSuite, and they have the same effects.

  • Inline Text: Display the value of the field inline
  • Disabled: Display the field as normal but disallow changing its value
  • Hidden: Do not display the field at al

9. Help Field

This text will display in gray color just below the Record Field on the add-in.

10. Autofill From Email

If enabled, the value will be set from the selected Outlook email.

  • This applies to Email, First and Last name fields

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