NetLease Lease Liability Maturity Analysis (Undiscounted)


This report is used to review a detail listing of future undiscounted lease payments, grouped by lease types and payment year/quarter, which is your primary input to support the required lease maturity disclosure.

Disclosure Guidance

Below is an example of a Undiscounted Lease Maturity disclosure in Financial Statements. The report within NetLease is meant to satisfy the disclosure. 

Process Steps

Step 1:

  • Navigate to NetLease > Reports  > Disclosure Reports > Undiscounted Lease Maturity  
  • Select Run Button

Step 2:

  • The report search can be narrowed down by adjusting the filters for subsidiary, lease type, period, and commencement date 
  • The report will automatically update as filtering options are selected



Filter by period beginning from the first period after the reporting period. Filter by Lease type or classification. 


  • Upon running the schedule the user will see a single line schedule by lease for the selected period, commencement date, subsidiary, and/or lease type from the NetLease subledger
  • Each lease line item will include general information about the lease (ID, classification, type, etc.) and schedule information.                                                  



This report may need updating to reflect the frequency or additional filters that are desired. 

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