NetCash Best Match


The Netgain Best Match feature in NetCash is an algorithmic matching engine to assist users in matching. This can be found as an option on the Auto Match page. The Netgain Best Match algorithm scans through the the bank transactions in the NetCash Bank Account selected in the filters and that fall within the dates selected and compares them against available GL transactions.Netgain Best Match will suggest matches based on amount, date, and any text fields found on the bank and GL transactions. Users can input a tolerance for amount and date, in which case Netgain Best Match will take the tolerance into account when suggesting matches, without these fields filled inthe algorithm will suggest any potential matches regardless of how far apart the date or amount are. Netgain Best Match will order the transactions it suggests based on its confidence in the potential matches. If a user agrees with any of the matches they can select a single or multiple matches and click match to finalize them. 


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