Punchout - Setting up Generic Items

Generic Items refers to master items which are directly used on Punchout transactions at the line level and which determine which GL expense account the line posts to without the need to create a totally new master item each time a new product is purchased. 

These items are setup the same way, it is just a matter of which setting is used. 

Create a new item in NetSuite (usually under the Lists → Accounting → Items menu). If you are creating a generic or template item generally it is setup as a Non-inventory Item for Purchase.

Fill out all the required fields and give the item a Name/Number and set the correct expense accounts for the item. 

Then check the following box under the Punchout sub-tab. 

Note that in earlier versions of the app this field was called "Is Punchout Template/Generic Item" and in some cases this name may have persisted on the NetSuite item form.

This will make the item available on the return cart screen. 

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