NetLease - Components of Lease Costs & Impairments Report


This report provides a detailed summary of lease costs categorized by lease type, supporting the required disclosures for lease expenses in your financial statement footnotes.

Quantitative Disclosure Guidance

Below is the lease quantitative disclosure guidance:

Below is an example of the "Summary of Components of Net Lease Cost" disclosure for Financial Statements. The report within NetLease is designed to fulfill this disclosure requirement.  


NetLease > Reports  > Disclosure Reports > Components of Lease Costs & Impairments Report > Run


The report search can be refined by adjusting filters for subsidiary, currency, department, class, location, accounting period, or date. After selecting the desired filters, click the Preview button to view the results.


After running the report, users will see the breakdown of Lease Cost Components and ROU Asset Impairment amounts by lease. Each lease can be drilled down to view the corresponding transactions. To download the report, simply select the Export button to save it as an Excel file.

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