NetLease - Lease Termination Options


This search provides a detail listing of lease termination options, which can be a required footnote disclosure item. Lease termination options are added to a lease record by creating a NetLease Contract Provision child record with the Contract Provision Type marked as Lease Termination Option. 

See the Capturing Contract Provisions article for more information.


NetLease > Reports  > Disclosure Reports > Lease Termination Options  > Run


The search can be narrowed down by adjusting the filters for lease, subsidiary, and/or lease type. The report will automatically update as filtering options are selected.


Upon running the schedule the user will see a single line schedule by lease for the selected lease, subsidiary, and/or lease type from the NetLease template. Each lease line item will include contract provision key information for the termination option. 


If no data appears when you complete your search, navigate to the record that should be included on the report to make sure a termination options has been added to that lease.

For more information on how to add a lease purchase option see Capturing Contract Provisions article.

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