NetClose - Roles & Permissions

NetClose Action Performance

Being able to see the NetClose tab and having employee permissions to access the product are the baseline requirement for someone to get into NetClose. To be able to do or see anything in the system though, the employee's role has to have the correct permissions added to it. Having permissions dictates what certain roles can or cannot do, gives you extremely granular control over segregation of duties. Use these permissions to grant or restrict access as needed. In addition to being granted NetClose permissions, each employee using NetClose, must also be added as a NetClose user.

You can either put these permissions on an existing custom role (you can't modify standard NetSuite roles) that your team already uses, or you can create a new custom role that users will need to use to access NetClose. We advise modifying existing roles so that users can access the module without needing to switch to a different role.

Below are two tables. The first outlines the standard access levels you can set for each role. The second outlines each individual NetClose permission and what it controls. 

Access Level Matrix

Access LevelAbilities
NoneThe user can't access this permission (this is the same as not having the permission).
ViewThe user can view the record, but that's all. No edits, creation, or deletion.
CreateThe user can view and create records, but cannot edit or delete.
EditThe user can view, create, and edit records. They cannot delete records.
FullThe user can perform all actions on the record (if not prevented by scripting).

NetClose Permissions


NetClose Top-Side AdjustmentGives access to NetClose > Close Management > Top-Side Adjustments, and potentially the ability to create these top-side adjustment entries.

Custom Records

NetClose Account Grouping
Gives access to NetClose > Setup > Account Groupings & Rules, and potentially the ability to create account groupings for reconciliations. Read more about account groupings here.
NetClose Accounting Procedure
Gives access to NetClose > Setup > Accounting Procedures, and potentially the ability to create accounting procedures for steps and tasks to be assigned to. Note that this does not give access to create or attach steps to accounting procedures. Read more about accounting procedures and steps here.
NetClose Accounting Procedure Step
Gives access to accounting procedure steps. With just this permission, the access to these records is difficult because there's no dedicated navigation link. Best used in conjunction with NetClose Accounting Procedure permission. 
NetClose Accrual
Gives access to NetClose > Accruals and the ability to create new or view existing accruals. Read more about creating accruals here.
NetClose Accrual Modification
Gives the ability to interact with accrual modifications. With just this permission, the access to accrual modification records is difficult because there's no dedicated navigation link. Modifications are typically created from accrual records (a button at the top of the record), so this permission is best used in conjunction with the NetClose Accrual permission. Read more about accrual modifications here.
NetClose Accrual Type
Gives access to NetClose > Setup > Accrual Types and potentially the ability to create or modify accrual types.
NetClose Amortization
Gives access to NetClose > Lists > Amortizations and potentially the ability to create, modify, or view amortizations.
NetClose Amortization Modification
Gives the ability to interact with amortization modifications. With just this permission, the access to amortization modification records is difficult because there's no dedicated navigation link. Modifications are typically created from amortization records (a button at the top of the record), so this permission is best used in conjunction with the NetClose Amortization permission.
NetClose Amortization Schedule Line
Gives the ability to see and interact with amortization schedule lines on the Amortization Schedule subtab on an amortization record. Schedule lines must be related to amortization records, so this permission is best used in conjunction with the NetClose Amortization permission.
NetClose Amortization Type
Gives access to NetClose > Setup > Amortization Types and potentially the ability to create, modify, or view amortization types.
NetClose Close Control
Gives access to NetClose > Close Management > Lock Transactions & Account Segments. Note that edit permissions are needed to lock subsidiaries or transaction types for a period.
NetClose Comment
Gives access to comments on task records. This permission is most useful when combined with the NetClose Task permission, since comments are attached to and created on task records.
NetClose Dependent TaskGives the ability to establish task dependencies. Read more about Task Dependencies here.
NetClose Email AutomationEnables user to access customized automated email messages through NetClose > Setup > Email Automation.
NetClose Flux Analysis
Allows users to access flux analysis records.
NetClose Flux Scenario
Allows users to access flux scenario records, which are used to generate flux analysis.
NetClose Global Settings
Controls access to NetClose > Setup > System Setup.
NetClose Non Working Days
Gives access to NetClose > Setup > Non Working Days, allowing the user to interact with the non-working days for each work calendar. Read more about non-working days and work calendars here.
NetClose ReconciliationGives access to NetClose > Lists > Reconciliations and the ability to interact with reconciliation records. This permission is more useful when combined with the NetClose Reconciliation Item permission, as it allows the ability to see linked reconciliation items.
NetClose Reconciliation Clearing InfoGives access to NetClose reconciliation clearing info.
NetClose Reconciliation ItemGives access to NetClose > Close Management > Generate Reconciliations ONLY IF the role also has an Account Grouping permission that is at least a view permission. Also gives access to NetClose > Lists > Reconciliation Items, and the reconciliation items subtab on a reconciliation record.
NetClose Relative DateDon't worry about this yet - for future development.
NetClose Sent Email AutomationGives ability to interact with records holding information about sent emails.
NetClose Task*Bug when accessing Tasks page* Gives access to NetClose > Tasks, enabling the creation of new tasks from a single tab (if create access or higher is given). Also gives access to a list of tasks in NetClose > Lists > Tasks.
NetClose Task ClassificationGives access to NetClose > Setup > Task Classifications. allowing the user to interact with the task classification list.
NetClose Work CalendarGives access to NetClose > Setup > Work Calendars, allowing the user to interact with the different work calendars that will be used by NetClose in task timing and generation.

Automated Role Permissions Setup


  • Navigate to NetClose System Setup by accessing NetClose > NetClose Setup > System Setup
  • Select the Import Tools Subtab and then select the Bulk Custom Role Permissions Import Tool link:

  • Select desired Role(s) (ctrl + click to select multiple) and a Permission Template:
  • Make any desired changes to the permissions
  • Select Update Roles:
  • Screen will show loading indicator
  • Once complete, a success ribbon will appear at the top of the screen:

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