NetClose - System Settings
Go through the Netsuite navigation bar to NetClose > Setup > System Setup. You'll see the following configuration items for your entire NetClose system. These are the fields that are currently configurable on this page.
General Subtab
System Setting | Description |
NetClose Go-Live Date | This field limits how far back your task lists can filter. For example, if you set a go-live date in August 2022, you can only filter for tasks from August 2022 or later. |
Default Period | This field controls the default behavior of the "Period" filter when opening most table views in NetClose. |
Recon Update Balance MR Period Look-Back (Months) | Occasionally, transactions will post after you perform a reconciliation, which causes the reconciliation to be out of balance. Nightly, NetClose refreshes outstanding reconciliations and will alert selected users if a reconciliation goes out of balance. This setting controls the number of months that NetClose will run this script for reconciliations. For example, if the number is set to 12 (the default), NetClose will refresh all reconciliations for periods within the past 12 months to check for out-of-balance reconciliations. |
Days to Show Completed Tasks On Board | This field requires a number to specify how many days after a task has been completed; it will remain on the Kanban board and task list. By default, when no filters are applied, the task board and list will not show tasks that have been completed more than that many days in the past. However, this setting will be ignored if a user is filtering for a period or has a status filter on that includes the "Completed" status. The completed tasks will disappear from the board and list to reduce clutter after this period. Completed tasks passed the number in this setting can be found by filtering for an accounting period or filtering for status including "Completed", using saved searches, or searching for NetClose Task list and viewing the native NetSuite record. |
Enable Task Email Notifications On Trigger | This will enable automated emails to be sent by default when certain events occur. An example event is an assignee change. This can be customized on a task-by-task basis. |
Alternate Explanation 1 Label | This will update the title of the Alternate Explanation 1 Field on the Flux Record. |
Alternate Explanation 2 Label | This will update the title of the Alternate Explanation 2 Field on the Flux Record. |
Alternate Explanation 3 Label | This will update the title of the Alternate Explanation 3 Field on the Flux Record. |
Disable Delete Flux Scenario Button | This will remove the Delete Scenario button on a Flux Scenario record |
Max Month Look Back Select Options | Limits the number of months a user can look back in a flux scenario |
Balance Refresh MR Period Look Back (Months) | Occasionally, transactions will post after you perform a flux that will cause the flux to exceed a threshold. Nightly, NetClose refreshes outstanding fluxes and will alert selected users if a flux changes or exceeds a threshold. This setting controls the number of months that NetClose will run this script for fluxes. For example, if the number is set to 2 (the default), NetClose will refresh all fluxes for periods within the past two months to check for fluxes that have changed and exceeded the threshold. |
Disallow Amortization Start Date Before Transaction Date | Disallow amortization start or capitalization date to be before the date of the underlying transaction |
Amortization Posting Date | This setting is used to change the posting date for journal entries created by NetClose Amortizations. By defualt, journal entries will post on the last day of the month. |
Use Custom Amortization Transaction Types | When enabled this setting will cause NetClose Amortization to use custom NetClose Amortization Journal types rather than standard NetSuite Journal Types |
Enable Custom Amortization Transaction Approvals | When enabled this setting will cause NetClose Amortization custom transaction type journal entries to follow an approval flow, which is outside of the normal Native Netsuite Journal Entry approval process. Click here to see a walkthrough of the approval flow. |
System Features Subtab
Auto Post in Next Open Period | This setting controls the behavior of journal entries when a user attempts to post them in a period locked by the NetClose Close Management module (NetClose > Close Management > Lock Transactions & Account Segments). If checked, the user will see a banner message alerting them that the transaction was posted in the next unlocked period, just like NetSuite's native posting period handling. If unchecked, the transaction will be prevented from being saved in the locked period. |
Auto Reconcile on Create | When you create a reconciliation rule, this option controls whether that reconciliation will automatically run once it's created or must be manually kicked off after creation. |
Update Template from Task App | This setting controls whether users will have the option to update a NetClose Task Template from the Task Application Popup Window using the Update Template Button. |
Limited Task Functionality | The Limited Task Functionality setting is meant in situations where some users should only be able to change the status and complete steps for a NetClose task and not be able to edit or change other fields. When this setting is on, NetClose will respect the NetClose Task and NetClose Task Activity permissions so that if a user has the NetClose Task permission set to the view level then they won't be able to do anything to a task unless they have the NetClose Task Permission Activity set to Full. |
Require Tasks to be Started | When turned on this setting will force users to "start" a task by moving it into the in progress status before submitting it for approval or making it complete. |
Auto Approve Accruals | This setting allows accrual adjustment modifications to be automatically approved after they are created. |
Flux Analysis Approvals | This setting controls whether the Flux Analysis module will have approvers turned on which will allow for Flux Analysis records to have approvers assigned and allow for the Flux Analysis to be submitted for review and set to complete status. |
License/Usage Subtab
License | This grouping provides information regarding your license status and the TIER of your subscription. |
Enabled Modules | This grouping indicates which of the NetClose modules are active within your instance. |
Employee | This grouping presents employee/user totals for the following:
Manage Upgrades Subtab
Field Name | Description | Example |
Upgrade Preferences | This field controls when your version of NetClose will be upgraded. You can choose to only receive updates when there are major updates, when there are minor updates, or whenever NetClose release bug fixes. | Bug Fixes |
Last Upgraded Date | This field shows the date that your product was last upgraded. | 10/7/2023 |
Send Release Notes To | List individuals who should receive release notes when the bundle is updated. | Brittley Eldredge |