NetLease - Undiscounted Lease Maturity Waterfall


The Undiscounted Lease Maturity Waterfall report summarizes the future payments of operating and financing leases with the required reconciliation back to the current lease liability in disclosure format.

How To


NetLease > Reports (All or Disclosure) > Undiscounted Lease Maturity Waterfall > Run


The report search can be narrowed down by adjusting the filters for accounting book, subsidiary, currency, consolidated exchange rate, department, class, location, accounting period, or adjusting the to and from dates.

Consolidated exchange rates ensure that currency amounts translate properly from child to parent subsidiaries for consolidated reports. NetSuite maintains a page of your consolidated exchange rates for each accounting period. Below are the different types of consolidated exchange rates used for reporting purposes:

Based on the average consolidated exchange rate for the period
Based on the currency exchange rate that is effective at the end of the reported upon period
Based on the currency exchange rate that is effective at the start of the reported upon period 
The exchange rate is pulled as of the date entered by the user in the Consolidated Exchange Rate Date field
No consolidation occurs. Uses values directly from the subledger which are in the contract currency of the lease regardless of what currency is selected

Click the Preview button once the filtering options are selected.


Upon running the report the user will see the details of their Financing, Operating, and Short Term / Low Value leases and the associated future payment amounts. Each lease type can be drilled into to view the associated transactions. Select the export button to download the report into Excel.

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