Punchout - How to Setup Amazon Vendor Tile (With Video)

Direct Video Link: https://vimeo.com/1009187775


Before starting, ensure you have reviewed the article on how to acquire Amazon supplier credentials and have the credentials ready. You can find this article here: Punchout - Setting up Amazon Business Groups for Punchout (with Video)

Step 1: Accessing Punchout Vendor Tile Configurations

  1. From the home screen, navigate to the Punchout tab.
  2. Hover over Punchout Configs and select Vendor Tile Configs.

Step 2: Creating a New Vendor Tile Configuration

  1. In the Punchout Vendor Tile Config List, click on New Punchout Vendor Tile Config.
  2. In the new window, fill out the required fields for the vendor tile to function:
    • Name/Tile Label: Enter "Amazon."
    • Vendor: Select "Amazon."

Step 3: Setting Currency and Adding a Vendor Image

  1. Currency: Set this to match the currency used by your NetSuite system. For example, for the U.S., set this to USD.
  2. Vendor Tile Image: Add an image for the vendor tile so it displays a logo for your users. After selecting the corresponding image and folder, save the file.

Step 4: Supplier Code Not Matched Handling

  1. Supplier Code Not Matched Handling: Select Always Use Specific Item. There should be a generic item available if there is no match.
  2. No Match Handling Item:
    • Check the box for Use Item Mapping List.
    • Select your generic item (for this guide, we'll use the item "Punchout Template"). This article has steps on setting up the Generic Item: Punchout - Setting up Generic Items

Step 5: Additional Fields

  1. Select the following relevant fields:
    • Only Punchout Items on the List.
    • Mandatory List Items.

Step 6: Configuring Credentials

  1. Navigate to the Credentials tab.
  2. Check Use Direct Connection Credentials.
  3. If you're working in a test environment, check Use Test Credentials. For production environments, ensure the test credential box is not checked.
  4. Click Save.

Step 7: Adding Punchout Vendor Credentials

  1. After saving, return to the Credentials sub-tab. New buttons will appear.
  2. Click on New Punchout Vendor Credential.
  3. In the new window, choose the appropriate environment (test or production).
  4. Copy and paste the Amazon Business Center supplier credentials into the corresponding fields.
  5. Click Save.

Final Step: Adding the Tile to Your Homepage

The configuration is now complete. To add the tile to your homepage, please refer to this article: Punchout - Video: How to Add Vendor Tiles to your NetSuite Account

This concludes the setup process for the Amazon vendor tile in Netgain Punchout. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team for further assistance at supersync@netgain.tech

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