NetClose - Close Tasks

NetClose tasks are any tasks associated with the business operations. Close tasks are tasks associated with month-end and year-end closing of the books. However, tasks can be added for any business process. Close tasks are created as templates and then generated every period. See our guide to generate the close checklist for details on how to create tasks for specific periods.

Step by Step

Import Option
Standard practice is creating a CSV file listing each task and its attributes and uploading it to NetSuite. This will be done at implementation. The following steps are meant as a guide for adding individual tasks as needed and to explain the specific attributes.

Navigate to NetClose > Lists > Tasks. Press New NetClose Task. Fill out information fields as follows:

NameName of task to be completed.Identify and Enter Any New Leases
Task ReferenceTask identification number. Standard practice is using a numbering system to differentiate task groups.G-005
Task TypeSelect from the provided drop down list depending on type of task. For your close tasks, we recommend you chose the type "Close Activity" for all tasks.Close Activity
Task ClassificationSelect from the provided drop down list depending on category of task, typically overarching balance sheet or income statement categories. Task classifications can be added as needed.General
StatusStatus will auto-set to "Not Started" when task is created. Status will change as tasks are completed.Complete
OwnerEmployee assigned to complete the task.Becca Smith
SubsidiaryAssign the task to a specific subsidiary.ACME U.S.A.
Task FrequencySelect how often the task must be completed.Monthly
Link to ActivityAdd a URL link if applicable to the task. Can be a link to a page within NetSuite or outside.Blank
DescriptionDetailed description of the task. Identify any new leases and enter them into NetLease.
Use as TemplateCheck this box to indicate the task is a template. Tasks are originally uploaded as templates. Templates are generated every period and not changed.Checked
Duration Estimate (Hours)The estimated number of hours to complete the task.2
Risk LevelRisk level of incorrectly completing the task.Low
ImportancePriority level of the task being completed.Medium

Above you can see how the main page of your task will look like. Below the main information on the task page, there is a group of subtabs that allows you to save additional information to your tasks. Here you can save information relating to close timing, reviewers, and much more. The next section of this article focuses on these subtabs:

Close Timing Subtab

Each task is assigned a close timing to determine when the task should be due/completed in relation to the last day of the period. The last day of the period is typically the last day of the month, but the system will reference the work calendars to move the period close date for weekends and holidays. See our guide on setting up work calendars for more detail.

Navigate to the Close Timing subtab to set the task due date timing. There are two types of close timings you can pick from: Business Day & Absolute. Your task can either have a due date in form of business days or an absolute due date.

Example: A task is due 3 business days after close. If the close happens to fall on a Wednesday, then the task will be due on the following Monday. This is because weekends are considered non-working days. On the other hand, if your task has an absolute due date of 3 days after close and close falls on a Wednesday, that task will be due on the following Sunday. This is because absolute due dates are not subject to non-working days or holidays. 

Close GroupingSelect Pre-Close, Close, or Post-Close depending on when the task should be completed in relation to the close date.Pre-Close
Close Timing (Business Day)Enter the number of business days before (negative) or after (positive) the task should be completed in relation to the close date.-3
Absolute Due DateEnter the number of absolute days before (negative) or after (positive) the task should be completed in relation to the close date. -3

Steps Subtab

Steps (also known as accounting procedures) can be linked to close tasks. When a task has multiple steps, it is recommended to create steps or accounting procedures and then link them to the task. Steps are meant to give more details to the assignee working on the task. The steps will show on the task and create a mini "to-do" list. A group of steps can be linked to multiple tasks, but a single task can only have one group of steps. 

Import Option
If tasks are created before accounting procedures, this field can be left blank in the original setup. Tasks can be updated once the accounting procedures are created. Navigate to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV and select Import Type: Custom Record and Record Type: NetClose Task. Do an update import with a list of the tasks and their related accounting procedure.

Navigate to the Steps subtab. Select the related accounting procedure from the drop down list. A URL link can also be entered if applicable.

Review Subtab

If the task needs to be reviewed prior to completion, navigate to the Review subtab and select an employee from the dropdown to act as the reviewer. For more information on how to review a task, please see this article. You can have more than one employee set as the reviewer for a task. However, a task only ever needs to be reviewed once, even if multiple reviewers are assigned.

Dependency Subtab

If your task is dependent on a different task, navigate to the Dependency subtab to add this dependency. This article has great information and step-by-step instructions for setting up dependencies. Adding dependencies is a great way to add more structure and organization to your close.

Related Records Subtab

Under the related records subtab you can link a parent task to your task. This parent task will then show as a hyperlink under this subtab. This is not required -- however, it can be helpful to have this information if there is a parent-child relation between two tasks. This is not where you would link any dependencies. For dependencies, our recommendation is to save that information under the 'Dependency' subtab.

Files Subtab

Use this subtab if you want to attach a file to a task record. You can either attach an existing file or you can also upload a completely new file. This file will then be visible on the task record, but not on the task sheet on the task board. However, the task record is easily accessible from the task sheet.

Comments Subtab

Please note that the "Comments" subtab will only be visible in the "View" mode of a task. If you are on the "Edit" page of your task, this subtab will not show.

This subtab is a great place for you to leave any comments on the task record as you complete / work on the task. These comments will be visible to all NetClose users with access and they will be able to view and respond to comments as well.

Notifications Subtab

This subtab allows you to edit your email preferences for a specific task. If you want to limit your notifications for a certain action (such as an assignee change or task completion), check or uncheck the boxes to your liking. For more information regarding these four controls, check out this article on the standard task email notifications. For additional controls regarding your email notifications, we recommend you review the custom task email notification article

Sent Emails Subtab

Please note that the "Sent Emails" subtab will only be visible in the "View" mode of a task and if there has been an email sent in relations to this task. If you are on the "Edit" page of your task, this subtab will not show. Neither will this subtab show if you are in the "View" mode and no email has been sent in relations to this task.

This subtab will show a list of all emails that have been sent in relation to the task. To limit, edit, or increase the number of email notifications that are sent to users, edit your standard email notifications or add custom email notifications.

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