NetClose - Non-Working Days

Prerequisite: You have set up your Work Calendar and are now ready to add non-working days and holidays.

Step by Step

There are two different ways to update your non-working days in NetClose.

1. Upload a CVS Import.

2. Manually Enter the Data in the work Calendar.

Upload a CSV Import

Create a CSV with three columns and list all of the non-working days for all calendars

Name of HolidayWork CalendarDate of Holiday
Christmas DayUS 2023 Calendar12/25/2023
Boxing DayAUS 2023 Calendar12/26/2023

Navigate to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records

Select "Custom Records" as the Import Type.

Select NetClose Non Working Days as the Record Type.

Map the CVS as follows in the Field Mapping:

Click "Next" then run the report.

Manually Enter the Data

Navigate into one of your Work Calendars and select the Non-Working Days subtab. Each day off needs to be entered here for the year. Select New NetClose Non Working Days and fill out the name and date for the non-working date. Click Save.

Once all days off are entered the list will be visible under the Non-Working Days subtab. 

Import Option
The list of non-working days can be imported through NetSuite's standard CSV process once the base work calendar is saved. Navigate to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV and select Import Type: Custom Record and Record Type: NetClose Non Working Days.

Another way to manually enter your non-working days is by navigating to NetClose > Setup > Non Working Days.

End of Year Reminder
Remember that this process needs to be repeated every year as the holidays and non-working days do not roll over automatically. A good way to keep track of this is by creating an annual task to update the non-working days.

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