NetClose - Flux Segment Grouping


Segment grouping in NetClose Flux Analysis allows users to analyze fluctuations in account balances based on different organizational dimensions, such as departments, classes, locations, or other custom segments. This enables a more granular view of financial data, helping users track and explain changes in specific segments of the business rather than just at the account level.

Generate Flux by Segment:

Navigate to NetClose > Flux Analysis > Generate Flux

On the "Generate Flux Scenario" page there are three fields that relate to segment grouping: Additional Segment Type, Segments, and Consolidate by Segment. 

Additional Segment Type: This is the field where the user can specify by which segment type they want to group the flux analysis. 

Segments: Based off the segment type selected, the user can then specify segments within that segment type to run in the flux analysis. If nothing is specified, all segments will be part of the flux analysis. 

Consolidate by Segment: By turning this on, this notifies the system to run a consolidated flux for each segment or for all segments together.


Here is an example of a flux analysis that has "Department" as the segment type, "Administration" and "Auxiliary" as the segments, and is set to consolidate by segment. Each account will show the combined balance of the "Administration" and "Auxiliary" segments.

 Here is an example of a flux analysis that has "Department" as the segment type, "Administration" and "Auxiliary" as the segments, and is set to NOT consolidate by segment. Each account will be listed twice to show the separate balance of the "Administration" and "Auxiliary" segments.

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