NetClose - Review the Flux Analysis


Once a flux analysis has been generated, it is then ready to be reviewed. 

This article will walk through how to review the flux analysis and the features associated with it. 

Step by Step Process:

There are two ways to navigate to the "Review Flux Analysis" page. 

1) Go to NetClose > Flux Analysis> Review Flux Analysis

2) On either the "Generate Flux Scenario" and "Refresh Balances" page at the top right corner there is a hyper link titled "Review Flux Analysis".

In the "Review Flux Analysis" page there are filters to help navigate to specific accounts. One filter to note is the "Explanation Needed". This allows the flux to be filtered by those specific accounts that require an explanation because it was above one of the determined thresholds.

There are two ways to navigate where to fill out the required explanation. 

1) Use the Flux Record: By clicking on the account number, it will open up the individual flux record for that specific account. 

The Account information, comparison information, and the explanation will be on this record. Select Edit, and scroll down to the "Explanations" section. In the text box under "Primary Explanation" is where the required explanation can be filled out. There are also other text boxes for alternate explanations if needed. 

2) Use the Flux pop-up record: By clicking the plus sign "+" next to the account number, NetClose will bring up a pop-up record of the flux for that account. 

This pop-up record will have the same information as the flux record. It is possible to fill out the explanation on this page as well. In this view there are subtabs. The "Large Transactions" subtab will pull up those transactions that meet the Large Transaction Threshold. These transactions can identify the primary cause of the change and can help fill out the explanation. For example, this is the ROU account and based off the large transaction listing, it is clear that the transaction titled "NetLease Go-live #10" make up the majority of the balance change between the two accounting periods. 

The "Transaction Counts" subtab counts the total of debit and credit lines that hit this account for each period. It also has a chart showing the transaction count broken out by transaction type for each period.  

The "Scenario" subtab shows all of the thresholds used in this flux analysis.  

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