NetClose - Generate a Flux Scenario


To perform a flux analysis, a flux scenario must first be generated. This article outlines the steps for generating a flux scenario to enable the analysis. 

Step-by-Step Process

  • Navigate to NetClose > Flux Analysis > Generate Flux.

  • On the "Generate Flux Scenario" page, define the periods for comparison and set the relevant thresholds.

  • If a saved source scenario exists, it will appear in the "Source Scenario" field. You can select the saved scenario, and the flux criteria will automatically populate based on the pre-defined settings. If no relevant source scenario is available, manually complete the required fields.

  • In the "Primary Information" section, select the subsidiary, flux grouping, flux account types, and any additional segment types to be included in the flux analysis.

  • The "Period Information" section allows for defining the comparison periods. Additionally, a budget category can be chosen for comparison.

  • The "Options" section allows for setting thresholds for the flux analysis. Thresholds can be defined by amount and/or percentage, and can apply to the balance sheet and/or income statement.

  • The "Or" checkboxes indicate that if thresholds for both amount and percentage are set for the balance sheet or income statement, NetClose will trigger a required explanation for the account if either threshold is met. If these checkboxes are not selected, NetClose will require an explanation only if both thresholds are met.

  • The "Large Transaction Threshold" allows for setting a threshold for individual transactions. Transactions exceeding this threshold will appear in the flux analysis, potentially accounting for a significant portion of the change in the account balance. This helps identify the transactions responsible for the fluctuations. 

  • If AI Flux Explanations are enabled in the system setup, the "AI Explanation" section allows users to configure whether the system should copy the AI explanation to the primary explanation, generate an AI explanation when a primary explanation is not required, and provide additional AI context to assist in generating the explanations.

  • Once all criteria have been completed, click Submit to generate the flux analysis based on the provided information.

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