SuperSync Files Permissions Settings
This guide provides detailed instructions on configuring permissions settings for SuperSync Files within your NetSuite environment.
- SuperSync Files Bundle Installation
- SuperSync Files Connecting to SharePoint or SuperSync File Connecting to Google Drive
- NetSuite admin access
Step by Step Process
- Navigate to SuperSync Files > Configs > Connections and select Record Type Configs
- Select the record you wish to edit or select New SSF | Record Type Config.
- Navigate to the Connection dropdown and select the connection you would like to configure
- Navigate to Record Type Select and select the record type this should apply to.
NOTE - There are four options to choose from:
- All Record Types - Applies configs to all record types
- All Transaction Types - Applies configs to all transaction record types
- All Entity Types - Applies configs to all entity record types
- Any individual record type - Applies to the selected record type
NOTE - If there is a need for permissions to differ from the overall connection level, that can be accomplished via the Permissions sub-tab. Permission settings will overwrite the connection level settings. This is often used for confidential information for accounting, HR, etc. - Select Permissions
- Select Record Level Permissions Formula if a formula is needed to set permissions
- Edit permission settings and select the role it should apply to. You can apply to multiple rolls Ctrl + select. Select Add when complete
Files Tab: Grants permission to see the SuperSync Files sub-tab on NetSuite records
Upload: Grants permission to upload files
Rename: Grants permission to rename files
Move: Grants permission to move files
Copy: Grants permission to copy files
Download: Grants permission to download files
Remove: Grants permission to remove files
Create Folder: Grants permission to create folders
Folder Delete: Grants permission to delete folders
Open Online Link: Grants permission to open online links (Microsoft online files)
Roles: Grants the above permissions to specific roles. If left blank the permissions are set for all roles NOTE - Default settings for all of the above are set to "Yes" and applicable to all NetSuite roles. - To assist with mass permission configuration, use the SuperSync Files Permissions Input Template to gather role requirements
If any difficulties or issues arise, please reach out to for resolution.