SuperSync Files Other Settings


This guide provides detailed instructions on configuring other settings for SuperSync Files within your NetSuite environment.


Step by Step Process 

  1. In the top right corner, navigate to ... > SuperSync Files > Configs > Connections and select Record Type ConfigsA screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated
  2. Select the record you wish to edit or select New SSF | Record Type Config.


  3. Navigate to the Connection dropdown and select the connection you would like to configureA screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

  4. Navigate to Record Type Select and select the record type this should apply to.
    NOTE - There are four options to choose from:
    - All Record Types - Applies configs to all record types
    - All Transaction Types - Applies configs to all transaction record types
    - All Entity Types - Applies configs to all entity record types
    - Any individual record type - Applies to the selected record typeA screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generatedNOTE - If there is a need for permissions to differ from the overall connection level, that can be accomplished via the Permissions sub-tab. Permission settings will overwrite the connection level settings. This is often used for confidential information for accounting, HR, etc.

  5. Select Other Settings
    • Auto-Create Sub-Folders List – Generates any number of sub-folders within the specific record folder. Each folder that should be automatically generated goes on a separate line.
    • Always Attempt Sub-Folder Creation – When checked, every time SuperSync Files is opened on a record it will check to see if the sub-folders have been created and create them if they have not. If a folder name is changed it will create a duplicate folder with the original name before it was changed.
    • Files Tab Name – Customize the display name of SuperSync files in the sub-tab on the NetSuite record.
    • Small Icons – When checked, changes the size of icons within SuperSync files to small size.
    • Ignore Saved Folder Path – When checked, overwrites the existing folder path every time SuperSync Files is opened on the transaction. Existing information will still be available in SharePoint but there will be a new folder path. This is typically unchecked once everything has been configured correctly and testing confirms this.
    • Auto-Create Folder on Record Create – When checked, this will automatically create the folder path when the record is created instead of waiting for SuperSync Files to be opened on that record.
    • Subfolder SuiteQL Query – This is used to generate sub-folders when making use of the Record Path SuiteQL Query in the Path Settings sub-tab.
    • Show Tab Conditional Formula – Enables the SuperSync files sub-tab to not display when conditions in a formula are validated.


If any difficulties or issues arise, please reach out to for resolution.

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